Create an address locator to geocode parcels by ParcelID

Last Published: April 25, 2020


It is common to create an address locator to geocode polygon parcels by parcel centroids (the center point of parcel polygons) using the US Address - Single House locator style. Another alternative is to create an address locator to geocode parcels by the parcel identification number (ParcelID).


Follow the steps below to create an address locator by ParcelID:

  1. When creating the address locator, select the General - Single Field style.
  2. After selecting the parcel as the Reference Data, under the Field Map section, select the ParcelID field as the Alias Name for the *KeyField field.
Create Address Locator pane with ParcelID field
Alternatively, if the locator must be published as a geocode service, use the General - Gazetteer style and select the ParcelID field as the Alias Name for the *Place Name field.
  1. Click OK.

Article ID: 000021697

  • ArcMap

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