ArcGIS Online does not provide the ability to configure a hosted scene layer pop-up in a web scene. However, it is possible to configure the pop-up of the related hosted feature layer to reflect in the hosted scene layer and show attributes in a web scene.
Note: A hosted scene layer uses the pop-ups configured on the related hosted feature layer. For more information, refer to Publish hosted scene layers.
To configure the hosted scene layer pop-up, edit the related hosted feature layer pop-up in Map Viewer or through its Item Details page. The instructions provided describe both methods to configure the hosted scene layer pop-up in a web scene.
Configure the pop-up in Map Viewer
Configure the pop-up in the item details page
Note: Alternatively, configure the pop-up for the layer in ArcGIS Pro before sharing to ArcGIS Online. For more information on configuring a pop-up in ArcGIS Pro, refer to Configure pop-ups. Publish the layer as a hosted scene layer from an ArcGIS Pro scene or a scene layer package. Once published, add the hosted scene layer to a web scene in ArcGIS Online and enable the pop-up for the layer to view the configured pop-up.
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