Configure the date format for ArcGIS GeoEvent Server input connectors with T and Z characters

Last Published: April 25, 2020


An input connector plays an important role in a GeoEvent Service as it collects and interprets data from a data source. When creating an input connector under the Advanced options, a date format can be set for the input connector under Expected Date Format. The following shows the common format:


Based on the ISO 8601 standard, the T parameter acts as a delimiter, between the date and time-of-day, while the Z parameter is an abbreviation for zero hour-minutes-seconds, also known as Zulu in UTC time.

However, when using this common format, the following error message is returned intermittently:

Error converting JSON node to GeoEvent.

As Expected Date Format is only applicable for numerical digits, the input connectors do not recognize the T and Z alphabetical characters.


To configure the date format in the GeoEvent Server input connectors with T and Z characters, insert single quotes for the T and Z characters.

The following instructions describe how to set the correct format for Expected Date Format in ArcGIS GeoEvent Manager when creating an input connector.

  1. Log in to ArcGIS GeoEvent Manager.
  2. Create an input connector. Refer to Steps 1 through 5 in GeoEvent Server: Creating an input connector.
  3. On the Inputs tab, click the Advanced drop-down list, and type the following date format for Expected Date Format:
  1. Click Save to save the input connector.

The image below shows the Advanced options in the Inputs tab in ArcGIS GeoEvent Manager.

GeoEvent Server Manager box

Article ID: 000022242

  • ArcGIS Server

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