Clip a hosted feature layer to a specific polygon feature in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer Classic

Last Published: August 24, 2022


In ArcGIS Online, to perform a spatial analysis, a hosted feature layer is clipped to a specific polygon feature to visually segregate and highlight the area. As the Clip tool is not available in ArcGIS Map Viewer Classic, the Extract Data tool is used instead. The image below displays a layer with several polygon features.

The polygon features on the map before it is clipped.

This article provides a workflow to clip a layer to a specific polygon feature using the Extract Data tool in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer Classic.


  1. Log in to ArcGIS Online and click Content > My Content.
  2. Browse to the hosted feature layer, click More Options The More Options icon. and select Open in Map Viewer Classic with full editing control.
  3. In Map Viewer Classic, on the Details tab, click Content, and click the Perform Analysis The Perform Analysis icon. icon below the reference layer.
The Perform Analysis tool is currently only supported in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer Classic. Using this tool consumes credits. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Credits by capability for more information on how many credits are required for a specific task.
  1. In the Perform Analysis pane, expand Manage Data and click Extract Data.
Extract Data under Manage Data in the Perform Analysis pane.
  1. Configure the Extract Data tool.
    1. In the Extract Data pane, under Layers to extract, check the layer's check box.
The layer checkbox under Layers to extract.
  1. Under Study area, select Same as Display in the drop-down menu and select Clip features.
The drop-down menu under Study area, and the Draw icon.
  1. Click the Draw The Draw icon. icon under Study area and select the polygon feature to be clipped.
The polygon feature to be clipped.
  1. Under Output data format, select File Geodatabase (.zip) in the drop-down menu.
The File Geodatabase (.zip) option in the Output data format drop-down menu.
  1. Specify a name for Output file name and click RUN ANALYSIS.
The Run Analysis button under Output file name.
Extracting data takes a few minutes and is only displayed in the Content tab after the extraction is complete.
  1. Publish the file geodatabase as a hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Online.
    1. On the top left corner of Map Viewer Classic, click Home > Content.
The Content option in the Home drop-down menu.
  1. Click the created file geodatabase.
  2. On the item details page of the extracted file geodatabase, click Publish.
  3. In the New item window, specify a name under Title, select a folder in the Folder drop-down menu, and click Save.
  1. Browse to the hosted feature layer, click More Options The More Options icon. and select Open in Map Viewer Classic with full editing control.

The image below shows the layer clipped to the specific polygon feature.

The layer clipped to the specific polygon feature.

Article ID: 000028120

  • ArcGIS Online

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