In ArcGIS Pro, currency is one of the many formats of a numeric field data type available when configuring a feature attribute table. When specifying a value in the numeric field with the currency format, a currency symbol is auto-populated. This symbol is dictated by the default currency specified in the region settings of the operating system.
The image below displays the US Dollar symbol in the feature attribute table when populating a currency field.
This workflow demonstrates how to change the default currency on the machine, providing an alternative to manually adding currency symbols in the attribute table or populating a field with custom currency symbols using an ArcGIS Arcade script.
Warning: This workflow involves changing system settings of the operating system and doing so may affect other applications and functionalities on the machine. Esri is not responsible for any changes made to the system and the aforementioned consequences. Consult the organization’s administrator or IT department for assistance when carrying out this workflow.
Alternatively, manually type the required currency symbol if it is not listed in the Currency symbol drop-down list.
The image below displays the currency settings set to British Pound (£) based on the Region settings in the operating system.
Article ID: 000032030
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