Set the currency symbol for a map service

Last Published: April 25, 2020


In some instances, users may want to publish a map service with the currency symbol of their choice. If ArcGIS for Server is installed on the machine, changing the currency symbol in the Windows individual user account is not enough. Users must log into the ArcGIS Server account to set their preferred currency symbol.

The instructions provided describe how to change the currency symbol in ArcGIS for Server.


  1. Log into the ArcGIS Server account on Windows.
  2. Open Control Panel and select Region and Language.
  3. In the Region and Language dialog box, select the Format. For example, if users want the map service to display South African Rand (R), click the Format drop-down arrow and select Afrikaans.
  4. Click the Additional settings button.

  5. In the Customize Format dialog, click the Currency tab.
  6. Click the Currency symbol drop-down arrow and select the appropriate currency symbol.

Article ID: 000012059

  • ArcGIS Server

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