Currently, there is no feature in ArcGIS Online to download multiple hosted feature layers in batches, and this is a known limitation. The export option is only available for downloading individual hosted feature layers from ArcGIS Online to a local device. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Export data from hosted feature layers for more information.
This article provides the workflow to batch download hosted feature layers from ArcGIS Online in ArcGIS Pro, and it is a quick process to export multiple layers rather than individually exporting each one.
Note: Log in to a portal to access the content if required. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Sign in to access content from a portal for more information.
The feature layers are downloaded to the local machine and stored in the selected geodatabase.
Note: This workflow downloads feature layers without attachments. Refer to How To: Batch export attachments from a feature class in ArcGIS Pro to download attachments.
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