Batch download hosted feature layers from ArcGIS Online in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: June 10, 2024


Currently, there is no feature in ArcGIS Online to download multiple hosted feature layers in batches, and this is a known limitation. The export option is only available for downloading individual hosted feature layers from ArcGIS Online to a local device. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Export data from hosted feature layers for more information.

This article provides the workflow to batch download hosted feature layers from ArcGIS Online in ArcGIS Pro, and it is a quick process to export multiple layers rather than individually exporting each one.


  1. Start ArcGIS Pro and click Start without a template.
  2. In the Catalog pane, under the Portal tab, search for a feature layer or a web map containing the feature layers.
Log in to a portal to access the content if required. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Sign in to access content from a portal for more information.
  1. Right-click the item and click Add And Open for web maps or Add To New > Map for hosted feature layers. To add more feature layers to the active map, right-click the item and click Add To Current Map.
Adding a web map and feature layer from the Portal tab of the Catalog pane
  1. Use the Feature Class To Geodatabase tool to convert and export feature classes or feature layers on the map to geodatabase feature classes.
    1. On the top ribbon, click Analysis > Tools.
    2. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and select Feature Class To Geodatabase (Conversion Tools).
    3. For Input Features, click Add Many The Add Many icon, select the layers to export and click Add.
Selecting the layers to be exported in the Feature Class To Geodatabase Geoprocessing pane
  1. For Output Geodatabase, select a geodatabase location and click Run.

The feature layers are downloaded to the local machine and stored in the selected geodatabase.

This workflow downloads feature layers without attachments. Refer to How To: Batch export attachments from a feature class in ArcGIS Pro to download attachments.

Article ID:000031050

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Pro 3 1
  • ArcGIS Pro 3 0
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 9x

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