Add a header and group multiple List widgets in ArcGIS Experience Builder

Last Published: September 26, 2024


The List widget in ArcGIS Experience Builder helps display and organize features or items from a data source in a customizable layout. The List widget enables seamless browsing and filtering of geographic information presented in clear, navigable formats. However, the List widget lacks the option to add headers or group multiple lists together for enhanced layout management. This can create challenges in establishing clear, labeled sections within a map experience and ensuring consistent alignment of multiple lists across various pages or screen sizes.

This article provides a workflow to add a header and group multiple List widgets together in ArcGIS Experience Builder.


Insert the Text and List widgets into the Fixed Panel widget.

  1. Open the ArcGIS Experience Builder project and navigate to the Insert widget panel.
  2. Under Layout, drag and drop the Fixed Panel widget to a desired position on the experience.
  3. Navigate to the Insert widget panel.
  4. Under Page elements, drag and drop the Text widget into the Fixed Panel widget. Configure the Text widget as necessary. Refer to ArcGIS Experience Builder: Text widget for more information.
  5. Navigate to the Insert widget panel.
  6. Under Data centric, drag and drop the List widget into the Fixed Panel widget. Place the List widget below the Text widget.
  7. Repeat Steps 3 through 6 to insert multiple List and Text widgets into the Fixed Panel widget.

The image below shows a header added to two different List widgets in the Fixed Panel widget.

A header is added to two different List widgets in the Fixed Panel widget.

Article ID: 000033627

  • ArcGIS Experience Builder

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