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Esri is committed to building and providing strong security for ArcGIS and helping our customers by using the latest security protocols. We strive to implement the highest industry standards, including TLS for data integrity and network security.
To meet these standards, Esri is making software updates across ArcGIS to support TLS 1.2. As part of improving ArcGIS Online security, Esri is requiring TLS 1.2 connections for ArcGIS Online services. Action is required to ensure continued access to these services.
Note: See the Product Life Cycle pages on the Esri Support site for the support status of each released version of ArcGIS for AutoCAD.
ArcGIS for AutoCAD version 370 and earlier must have TLS 1.2 enabled through the operating system. This enables all applications on the system that depend on the Microsoft .NET Framework to use TLS 1.2. The next release of ArcGIS for AutoCAD will negotiate TLS 1.2 automatically.
The steps to configure the Windows operating system to use TLS 1.2 are described in: How To: Configure Windows to use TLS 1.2 for applications that use the .NET4 Framework.
Article ID: 000019412
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