Frequently asked question
Esri periodically releases software patches and updates for all components of ArcGIS Enterprise and these patches can be downloaded on the Patches and Service Packs page on the Esri Support website. Patch files are downloaded in the form of a Microsoft Software Patch (MSP) file.
In some scenarios, installing patch updates may take longer to complete because a significant number of computer resources, such as memory (RAM), CPU, and disk usage, is utilized even if only a few files are updated. This may also result in updates failing to complete under suboptimal conditions.
Network latency may delay the installation as well if the updates are installed remotely from one machine to another through a virtual machine. Other reasons why updates may take a longer time to complete include and are not limited to the following:
msiexec.exe /p "<Patch_File_Path>\<Patch_File>.msp" REINSTALLMODE="ecmus" REINSTALL="ALL" /qn
Note: For more information on installing patches and files via Command Prompt, refer to Microsoft: msiexec, Microsoft: REINSTALLMODE property, and Microsoft: REINSTALL property.
Warning: Microsoft does not recommend setting the protection level to the lowest settings for security reasons as it can allow programs to install software without permission. Refer to Microsoft: How User Account Control works for more information. Consult the organization's IT department before attempting this procedure.
Article ID: 000030073
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