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What are the best practices when configuring pop-ups in ArcGIS Pro before publishing to ArcGIS Online?

Last Published: April 15, 2021


Pop-ups in a layer can be configured in ArcGIS Pro before publishing the layer to ArcGIS Online. This article outlines some common best practices when configuring pop-ups in ArcGIS Pro before publishing to ArcGIS Online.

Using hidden field attributes in ArcGIS Pro to configure a pop-up

In ArcGIS Pro, hidden fields in the attribute table are not included in the published hosted feature layer. Using hidden fields in a pop-up component displays only the hidden field names in ArcGIS Online.

The pop-up of a published hosted feature layer showing only the hidden field name without any attribute values in ArcGIS Online.

To hide the hidden fields in the pop-up, follow the instructions below.

  1. In ArcGIS Pro, right-click the layer in the Contents pane and click Configure Pop-ups.
  2. In the Configure Pop-ups pane, choose the Fields element.
  3. Double-click the field element.
  4. In the Field Options pane, turn on the Only use visible fields and Arcade expressions option.

Alternatively, refer to How To: Display hidden fields in an ArcGIS Online web map pop-up and attribute table for showing hidden fields in the pop-up.

Reordering pop-up components in ArcGIS Online

The order of pop-up components configured in ArcGIS Pro is different when published to ArcGIS Online. For example, if an image is configured to be at the top of the pop-up in ArcGIS Pro, the image displays at the bottom in ArcGIS Online.

Comparison of pop-up components arrangement in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online

To reorder the pop-up components in ArcGIS Pro, refer to How To: Add an image at the top of pop-up windows in ArcGIS Online.

Article ID: 000023020

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 7 x
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 x

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