Frequently asked question

Is it possible to view a geopoint location from ArcGIS Survey123 Connect in Google Maps?

Last Published: May 11, 2022


Yes, it is possible to view a geopoint location from ArcGIS Survey123 Connect in Google Maps, and several methods are described below.

Use an expression in the ArcGIS Survey123 Connect application

The expression containing the pulldata() function is added to the XLSForm. However, this process only works in the ArcGIS Survey123 application and not in the browser.

  1. In the XLSForm, use geopoint as a question type to capture the location of the survey.
Use geopoint as the question type
  1. Use note as a question type and fill in the name and label field.
Use note as a question type
  1. In the calculation field, enter the following expression:
concat('<a href="',pulldata ("@geopoint", ${geopoint_name}, "y"), ',' ,pulldata("@geopoint", ${geopoint_name}, "x"), concat('&amp;ll=">Click to open</a>'))
  1. Click Save icon to save the XLSForm.
Insert expression in the calculation field

In Form Preview in the ArcGIS Survey123 Connect application, select the desired location in Location Selector and select Click to open to view the location in Google Maps.

Click the Click to open icon to open the location in Google Maps
Google Maps is opened in a web browser

Use an online map in the survey

The default basemap in the ArcGIS Survey123 Connect map setting can be changed from the ArcGIS Survey123 field app in the menu on the map page of the survey. To change the basemap, a URL must be added to the survey .info file. For more information, refer to ArcGIS Survey123: Use an online map in your survey.

Article ID:000020786

  • ArcGIS Survey123 Connect

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