In Portal for ArcGIS, attempts to publish a feature layer using a template via the New Item option fail, and returns the following error message:
Error: There was an error while adding this item.
Depending on the cause, use one of the following options to resolve the issue.
In Portal for ArcGIS, edit the existing ArcGIS Web Adaptor URL and replace the internal DNS alias with an external DNS alias. Refer to How To: Edit the Web Adaptor URL for Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Server for more information.
Contact the organization's IT department to increase the disk space of the ArcGIS Data Store machine before publishing the hosted feature layer. Refer to ArcGIS Enterprise: Hardware requirements for more information.
Note: To increase RAM on the machines, contact the organization's IT personnel.
To reduce memory use on the ArcGIS Server machine, optimize the usage of instances. Refer to ArcGIS Server: Configure service instance settings for instructions on configuring service instances. Additional information on optimizing and understanding instance usage can be found below:
Note: Only default administrators or custom roles with administrative privileges can perform the following workflows.
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