ArcGIS Server: A root or intermediate certificate cannot be used as a Web server's SSL certificate

Last Published: April 14, 2024

Error Message

When importing a Certificate Authority (CA)-signed certificate to ArcGIS Server, the following error message is returned:

A root or intermediate certificate cannot be used as a Web server's SSL certificate


A CA-signed certificate might not be fully imported into ArcGIS Server due to the following reasons:

  • Incorrect formatting or mismatches in certificate information.
  • There are missing intermediate/root certificates.

Solution or Workaround

The following workaround may require the assistance of the organization's IT team.
  1. Export an existing CA-signed certificate from the organization's certificate store. Refer to ArcGIS Server: Server certificates for more information.
To obtain a new CA-signed certificate, refer to ArcGIS Server: Generate a new CA-signed certificate for instructions and more information.
  1. Import the full certificate to ArcGIS Server. Refer to ArcGIS Server: Import the certificate into ArcGIS Server for instructions and more information.
  2. Replace the current certificate with the imported CA-signed certificate. Refer to ArcGIS Server: Configure ArcGIS Server to use the certificate for instructions and more information.

Article ID: 000032252

  • ArcGIS Server

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