When accessing the editing mode of an existing Survey123 form via the ...mode=edit&globalId={id} parameter, the following error is displayed.
"Editing is not possible because the globalid parameter was not provided"
The browser's developer tools console shows the error 'globalid' url params is not valid.
Note: This is different from the similarly phrased error: Editing is not possible because the record specified by the globalId parameter cannot be accessed
The parameter GlobalID in the URL is case-sensitive. Make sure the URL string uses "globalId", where it is all lowercase, except the "I" in Id.
Check the spelling of the parameter 'globalId' in the URL in general.
Also, some browsers have the feature that once the URL has been sent with a certain combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, subsequent loads of the same URL might revert to using this initial combination. It may be necessary to clear the browser cache or open a new tab to reload the URL with the correct case.
Article ID: 000032833
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