Apply color to shapes in CityEngine

Last Published: January 8, 2022


Color can be applied to shapes in CityEngine by creating a rule file and using the color operation along with the appropriate RGB value or hexadecimal value.


In this example, red color is applied to a 'lot' shape. These steps assume a CityEngine project is open with lot shapes in the Viewport window.

  1. Right-click the rules folder in the Navigator window. Select New > CGA Rule File.
  • Add the following code to the rule file if RGB values are going to be used.
Lot --> color(255,0,0)
  • Add the following code to the rule file if hexadecimal values are going to be used.
Lot --> color("#FF0000")
  1. Save the rule file (File > Save).
  2. Apply the rule to the shape by dragging the rule file from the Navigator window onto the shape in the Viewport window.
  1. Experiment with different colors until the desired result is received. Save the rule file after changes are made and select the
    Update Seed and Generate Models button to see the color updated in the shape: [O-Image]
Common Hexadecimal Values

Aqua = "#00FFFF"
Blue = "#0000FF"
Black = "#000000"
ForestGreen = "#228B22"
Gray = "#808080"
Green = "#008000"
Lime Green = "#00FF00"
Red = "#FF0000"
Yellow = "#FFFF00"
White = "#FFFFFF"
Common RGB Values

Aqua = 0, 255, 255
Blue = 0, 0, 255
Black = 0, 0, 0
Forest Green = 34, 139, 34
Gray = 128, 128, 128
Green = 0, 128, 0
Lime Green = 0, 255, 0
Red  = 255, 0, 0
Yellow = 255, 255, 0
White = 255, 255, 255

Article ID: 000012362

  • ArcGIS CityEngine Prev

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