
问题:当使用 Esri 2018 美国数据更新时,Address Coder 匹配级别汇总报告将生成不准确的结果。

Last Published: July 21, 2023


When using Address Coder 10.5.1 or earlier with the Esri US 2018 Data Update, incorrect Match Codes are used for the summary report.  As a result, the report inaccurately flags that a large number of records failed to geocode, when in fact, geocoding was successful. This is indicated with the large number of records in the 'No Geocode' category.

In the image below, there are 302 records that was marked as 'No Geocode' but in fact they were correctly geocoded. The issue is with the report.

image of output file


The incorrect Match Code is due to some recent changes to the locator names. For example, the Esri US 2018 data update uses MP for the match code for Point Address. However, the Summary Report uses MA for the match code for Address Point, and as a result, flags all records appended with MP codes as not being geocoded.  Although the records were geocoded successfully, they were flagged as 'No Geocode' because of the mismatch of the Match Code in the report.


To resolve the issue, several files in the Geocoding Data folder must be updated for the Esri US 2018 Data Update.

  1. Download and extract the attached Updated_Geocoding_Files ZIP file below. Four updated files should be included in the download:
  • USA_LocalComposite.loc
  • USA_LocalComposite.xml
  • USA_Zip4_LocalComposite.loc
  • USA_Zip4_LocalComposite.xml
  1. Copy these files to the following location: <drive>\ArcGIS\Business Analyst\US_2018\Data\Geocoding Data.
    Where <drive> is the install location of Business Analyst data. See: FAQ: How do I install and access Business Analyst data on a shared network drive?

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