
操作方法:在 Basic Viewer 应用程序中打印带有图例的 Web 地图

Last Published: October 20, 2023


Currently, there is no option to print web maps that contain legend map elements using the Print task in the ArcGIS Online map viewer. Therefore, to print web maps containing legends, a new web application based on the Basic Viewer application template must be created through ArcGIS Online.


The instructions provided describe how to create a Basic Viewer application web app and print the web map with the legend.

  1. Sign in to an ArcGIS Online account with privileges to create and share content.
  2. Open a web map in the map viewer, and click Share.
Select the option to share the web map with 'Everyone (public)' to enable the Make A Web Application button. If nothing is shared, the button is inactive (grayed out). 
  1. Click Make a Web Application > Configurable apps.
  2. Select Basic Viewer, and click Publish.
  3. In the new web map application, type a title, tags, and summary for the app and check the Share this app in the same way as the map (Everyone) option.
  4. Click Save & Publish. The app is now published to ArcGIS Online and added as an item to My Content.
  5. The configuration page automatically opens. Set the configurable components of the app, such as the color and title, menu items, and widgets in the Configure template.
  6. Scroll down to the bottom of the Configure template, and check the Add Legend to Output option.
  7. Click Save.
  8. To print the map, click the Print widget from the web application.



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