
常见问题解答:为什么“ArcGIS Online 成员”报告在“项目数”列中显示的项目多于“内容”页面?

Last Published: May 6, 2024


When viewing an ArcGIS Online administrative Members Report, the # of items column may display a higher number than the number seen on the member’s Content page, as shown in the following images.

In this example, the # of Items column shows 205 items for Username PeterK:

image of report

However on the Content page, the number of items shown is: 1 - 20 of 194 in All My Content.

image of content page

The reason for this difference is that ArcGIS Online does not display or count items in My Content that cannot be interacted with in a meaningful way in the platform interface but are used and managed by other components of ArcGIS Online. For example, Offline Map Areas used in ArcGIS Collector and managed through the web map Settings page or code attachments utilized by Configurable Apps. 

To understand this apparent discrepancy, the item types excluded from display in My Content are:   

  • Code Attachments
  • Featured Items
  • Symbol Sets
  • Color Sets
  • Windows Viewer Add Ins
  • Windows Viewer Configurations
  • Offline Map Areas
  • Map Area Packages
  • Indoors Map Configurations

文章 ID:000024289


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