
操作方法:在 ArcGIS Pro 中使用 Python 选择数值字段中包含奇数或偶数值的 ArcGIS 记录

Last Published: September 13, 2023


In ArcGIS Pro, it is possible to select specific records containing odd or even numbers from a numeric field in the attribute table using Python.

The following image shows the example of records for selected odd numbers from a numeric field.

The example of records for selected odd numbers from a numeric field.


  1. In ArcGIS Pro, click the Analysis tab on the top ribbon. Click the drop-down menu next to Python, and click Python window.
  2. In the Python window, insert the following command to select records with even values in a numeric field:
arcpy.management.SelectLayerByAttribute('<Feature layer>', 'SUBSET_SELECTION', 'MOD ("<Field name>",  2)  = 0')
  1. Press Enter.
  2. In the attribute field, click the Switch Selection The Switch Selection icon to select the opposite results of the previous selection. option to select records with odd values in the numeric field.

Alternatively, in the Python window, insert the following command to select records with odd values in the numeric field:

arcpy.management.SelectLayerByAttribute('<Feature layer>', 'SUBSET_SELECTION', 'MOD ("<Field name>",  2)  = 1')

To use both Python commands consecutively, insert the following command to remove the previous selection before selecting new records or click the Clear The Clear icon to clear the previous selection. option in the Selection group:

arcpy.management.SelectLayerByAttribute('<Feature layer>', 'CLEAR_SELECTION')

文章 ID:000026383


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