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Copying and pasting a utility network dataset from an enterprise geodatabase to a file geodatabase returns the error message, "ERROR 000260: The domain is incompatible with the existing default value. The operation was attempted on an empty geometry."

ArcGIS Pro
漏洞 ID 编号 BUG-000156911
已提交March 23, 2023
上次修改时间June 5, 2024
适用范围ArcGIS Pro
操作系统Windows OS
操作系统版本10.0 64 Bit
修正版本3.2, 2.9.12


This issue is addressed in ArcGIS Pro versions 3.2 and 2.9.12.


Unassign the system domain from the Fields and Subtypes.

Removed Domains from These:

  1. Removed domain from 'PipelineDevice' field.
  2. Removed domain from 'PipelineLine' field.
  3. Removed domain from 'PipelineLine' subtypes.
  4. Removed domain from 'PipelineJunction' field.
  5. Removed domain from 'PipelineJunction' subtypes.
  6. Removed domain from 'PipelineDevice' subtypes.

Once the domains from the fields and subtypes are unassigned, additional errors upon copying and pasting may return:

  • "Attribute Rule references an unknown table. [Cannot copy 'db.gis.PipelineJunction' with an invalid attribute rule script expression (Junction - Auto Contain By Rules)]"
  • Opened the Attribute Rules for the layer: Deleted the rule in question (was not enabled).
  • Another error during the copying workflow: Same error now referencing: "Junction - Symbol Rotation" rule. Deleted the rule.
  • Attempted to copy again: Same error, now for "PipelineLine" table, referencing the "Line - AutoContain By Rules" rule. Deleted the rule.

Afterwards, the utility network dataset can be copied and pasted successfully to the file geodatabase.


漏洞 ID: BUG-000156911


  • ArcGIS Pro


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