As feições de uma classe de feição não são exibidas ao ampliar ou mover na visualização de layout

Last Published: October 20, 2023


Features from a feature class do not display when zooming or panning in the layout view.


The spatial index of the feature class is corrupt.

Solução ou Solução Provisória

To resolve the problem, rebuild the spatial index.

Backup a copy of the feature class before attempting any of these steps.
Spatial indexes cannot be rebuilt for personal geodatabase feature classes.
  1. Open ArcCatalog.
  2. Navigate to the affected feature class.
  3. Right-click the feature class and click Properties.
  4. In the Feature Class Properties dialog box, click the Indexes tab. Find the section that reads Spatial Index.
The Spatial Index section in the Indexes tab of the Feature Class Properties
  1. Click Delete in the Spatial Index section.
  2. Click Apply.
  3. Click Recalculate in the Spatial Index section.
  4. Press OK or Apply. The features now stay in view when panning or zooming on the map.

ID do Artigo: 000011225

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