A operação de exportação falhou. Nome é nulo

Last Published: May 1, 2024

Mensagem de Erro

When exporting an ArcGIS Server site (.agssite) file using the Export Site operation in ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory, the following error is returned in the ArcGIS Server logs:

Export operation failed. Name is Null


The following are possible causes of this error.

  • The ArcGIS Server jobs folder contains a locked file from a previous job. This can occur when a job does not complete its execution process and becomes inactive, and prevents the job from exporting.
  • Detached job folder. One of the causes of inactive jobs is if the related primary process, upon completing its task, is deleted manually without terminating the inactive process.
  • Running the ArcGIS Server backup utility can return this error. This can be caused by a corrupt installation of ArcGIS Server.

Solução ou Solução Provisória

The following are possible solutions for this error.

  • Remove the inactive jobs and export the site again.
    1. Log into the machine hosting the ArcGIS Server jobs, navigate to,C:\arcgisserver\config-store\system\jobs, and remove the inactive job.
    2. Log into ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory and navigate to, Home > exportSite. Include the Export Site parameters if required, and click Export.
  • Reinstall ArcGIS Server. Refer to ArcGIS Enterprise: Welcome to the ArcGIS Server (Windows) installation guide for detailed instructions.

ID do Artigo: 000012918

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