laptop and a wrench


When the 'appearance' field is set to hide-input for a Geopoint question in a Survey123 for ArcGIS XLSForm, the Easting and Northing values are identical (UTM Coordinates) when the survey is opened from a web browser.

Última Publicação: August 20, 2019 ArcGIS Survey123
Número de ID do Erro BUG-000124617
EnviadoAugust 19, 2019
Última ModificaçãoAugust 26, 2020
Aplica-se àArcGIS Survey123
Versão encontrada3.5
Plataforma do servidorN/A
Plataforma do clienteN/A
Version Fixed3.8

Solução Provisória

For the Geopoint question in the Survey123 for ArcGIS XLSForm, change the appearance field to other than hide-input.

Etapas para Reproduzir

ID do Erro: BUG-000124617


  • ArcGIS Survey123

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