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Uploading content to ArcGIS Business Analyst Server fails without returning a helpful error message.

Última Publicação: June 30, 2021 ArcGIS Business Analyst Server
Número de ID do Erro BUG-000088715
EnviadoJune 26, 2015
Última ModificaçãoJune 5, 2024
Aplica-se àArcGIS Business Analyst Server
Versão encontrada10.2.2
Sistema OperacionalN/A
Versão do Sistema OperacionalN/A
StatusWill Not Be Addressed

Informações Adicionais

Contact Technical Support if the issue continues to affect work in a supported release.

Solução Provisória

  • Instead of using the Upload Project tool to upload custom projects, including reports and Business Analyst data source (BDS) layers, manually add the project files to the Esri Business Analyst Server directories, and restart the DefaultMap service.
  • For reports, store the report folder at a location such as the following, <a href="file:C:/ArcGIS/Business" target="_blank">C:\ArcGIS\Business</a> Analyst\US_2014\Datasets\Report Templates\Custom Report Templates\USA_ESRI_2014\Summary.
  • For custom BDS layers, copy the components of the BDS layer from <a href="file:C:/My" target="_blank">C:\My</a> Output Data\Custom BDS Layers, and save the components to a folder. Store the folder at <a href="file:C:/ArcGIS/Business" target="_blank">C:\ArcGIS\Business</a> Analyst\US_2014\Data\UserData.

Etapas para Reproduzir

ID do Erro: BUG-000088715


  • ArcGIS Business Analyst Server

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