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The Export Map operation at REST does not render data in map image when the bounding box is in a different spatial reference than the map service while the map scale is specified.

Última Publicação: December 5, 2016 ArcGIS for Server
Número de ID do Erro BUG-000099421
EnviadoSeptember 19, 2016
Última ModificaçãoJune 2, 2021
Aplica-se àArcGIS for Server
Versão encontrada10.2.2
Plataforma do servidorN/A
StatusKnown Limit

Informações Adicionais

When specifying a non-default bounding box SR, the image Spatial Reference parameter needs to be specified as well. When doing this, the output image, extent, and scale appears correct. Exporting an image with various parameters is a math problem. Modifying one parameter forces the other parameters to compensate to avoid an unbalanced equation. When specifying a bounding box and a scale, the scale returns a new bounding box that is centered on the centerpoint of the bounding box according to the DPI and the image output size. These parameters are all related, and interact with each other.

Solução Provisória

Specify a bounding box in the same Spatial Reference as the map service.

Etapas para Reproduzir

ID do Erro: BUG-000099421


  • ArcGIS for Server

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