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The error "Unable to Open Map: The shape must have a z-value" appears in Explorer for ArcGIS (iOS) when opening a map that contains a feature collection created by adding a shapefile that contains z-values to a web map in ArcGIS Online.

Última Publicação: November 27, 2017 Explorer for ArcGIS
Número de ID do Erro BUG-000106721
EnviadoJuly 20, 2017
Última ModificaçãoMay 31, 2023
Aplica-se àExplorer for ArcGIS
Versão encontrada17.1.0
Plataforma do servidorApple iOS
Plataforma do cliente10.0x
Version Fixed17.2.0

Solução Provisória

Publish the shapefile as a hosted feature service.Remove the z-values from the shapefile.

Etapas para Reproduzir

ID do Erro: BUG-000106721


  • Explorer for ArcGIS

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