laptop and a wrench


The Design Layout template in ArcGIS Open Data is limited to 8 rows of widgets at the default height (16 rows), and results in overlapping widgets at the top of the page in view mode if exceeded.

Última Publicação: February 23, 2015 ArcGIS Online
Número de ID do Erro BUG-000085046
EnviadoFebruary 4, 2015
Última ModificaçãoJune 5, 2024
Aplica-se àArcGIS Online
Versão encontrada3.6
Sistema OperacionalWindows OS
Versão do Sistema Operacional7
StatusKnown Limit

Informações Adicionais

This is a known limitation. The HTML editor is available as a workaround.

Solução Provisória

Override the style sheet for ArcGIS Open Data by altering the widget HTML using the CODE tab: 1. Increase the size of the body by altering the min-height on Line 1. 2. Scroll to the widget(s) having trouble with overlapping 3. Remove the row parameter, and add 'style="top:1900px"' inside the closing bracket. For example: <div class="col-1 sizex-2 sizey-2" style="top:1900px"> Note: Play around with the values for pixel heights to get the desired look.

Etapas para Reproduzir

ID do Erro: BUG-000085046


  • ArcGIS Online

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