laptop and a wrench


The Delete Diagram Template tool runs indefinitely and does not complete.

ArcGIS Pro
Número de ID do Erro BUG-000157867
EnviadoApril 27, 2023
Última ModificaçãoJune 5, 2024
Aplica-se àArcGIS Pro
Versão encontrada2.9.6
Sistema OperacionalWindows OS
Versão do Sistema Operacional10.0 64 Bit
Versão Fixa3.2.0.48495, 2.9.11

Informações Adicionais

This issue is addressed in version and version 2.9.11. Side note after deleting a template with or without this fix Since a diagram template is not versioned, there is no interest to keep any of its related versioned diagram rows (including its related features, aggregations and relations) after its deletion. After deleting a diagram template in production, all these rows should be deleted by the utility network owner/database admin to reduce the database foot print. To do so, once the template deletions complete, the database admin can run the following sample SQL script USE GO DECLARE @guid VARCHAR(100) SET @guid = (SELECT TOP(1) [GLOBALID] FROM [].[UN__DIAGRAMS] WHERE [TEMPLATEGUID] NOT IN (SELECT [GLOBALID] FROM [].[UN__TEMPLATES])) WHILE (@guid <> '') BEGIN DELETE [].[UN__RELATIONS] WHERE [DIAGRAMGUID] = @guid DELETE [].[UN__AGGREGATIONS] WHERE [DIAGRAMGUID] = @guid DELETE [].[UN__JUNCTIONS] WHERE [DIAGRAMGUID] = @guid DELETE [].[UN__EDGES] WHERE [DIAGRAMGUID] = @guid DELETE [].[UN__CONTAINERS] WHERE [DIAGRAMGUID] = @guid DELETE [].[UN__DIAGRAMS] WHERE [GLOBALID] = @guid SET @guid = (SELECT TOP(1) [GLOBALID] FROM [].[UN__DIAGRAMS] WHERE [TEMPLATEGUID] NOT IN (SELECT [GLOBALID] FROM [].[UN__TEMPLATES])) END; Specific use case With this specific backup database, it appears that the single diagram template in the dataset is going to be deleted. In such a situation, once the template deletions complete and there is no template anymore in the dataset, and the database admin can run a TRUNCATE on the following 6 tables: [].[UN__RELATIONS], [].[UN__AGGREGATIONS], [].[UN__JUNCTIONS], [].[UN__EDGES], [].[UN__CONTAINERS] and [].[UN__DIAGRAMS] NOTE: This fix is provided as an example and could be probably optimized.

Etapas para Reproduzir

ID do Erro: BUG-000157867


  • ArcGIS Pro

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