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The ArcGIS Maps for SharePoint app configuration displays as blank because JavaScript files are not deployed as part of the installation process.

Última Publicação: July 20, 2021 ArcGIS for SharePoint
Número de ID do Erro BUG-000090231
EnviadoAugust 24, 2015
Última ModificaçãoJune 5, 2024
Aplica-se àArcGIS for SharePoint
Versão encontrada4.0
Sistema OperacionalN/A
Versão do Sistema OperacionalN/A
StatusWill Not Be Addressed

Informações Adicionais

If the issue persists, contact Esri Technical Support.

Solução Provisória

  1. Open the extracted ArcGIS Maps for SharePoint setup folder on the ArcGIS Maps for SharePointmachine itself. Verify that the ‘WebContentInstaller.ps1’ script file is there at the same level as the Setup.exe file.
  2. Unblock the Webcontentinstaller.ps1 and setup.exe file from their property menus. Right click File, and click Property > Unblock, or use the ‘unblock-file’ command. The command to unblock is as follows, unblock-file setup.exe and unblock-file webcontentinstaller.ps1.
  3. Run Windows PowerShell x64 as an administrator, and use the command ‘cd’ to browse to the setup folder where the script file is and run the following command: ‘powershell –executionpolicy unrestricted ./webcontentinstaller.ps1 –install’. This command and the output information about the files that are being copied take several minutes to execute.
  4. After the execution of the above step is complete, reload the ArcGIS Maps for SharePoint configuration page to confirm everything is working as expected.

Etapas para Reproduzir

ID do Erro: BUG-000090231


  • ArcGIS for SharePoint

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