laptop and a wrench


Integer fields containing default values causes Collector for ArcGIS to crash on iOS devices.

Última Publicação: February 6, 2018 Collector Classic for ArcGIS (iOS)
Número de ID do Erro BUG-000099995
EnviadoOctober 11, 2016
Última ModificaçãoJune 5, 2024
Aplica-se àCollector Classic for ArcGIS (iOS)
Versão encontrada10.4

Informações Adicionais

Not reproducible in Collector 17.0.4

Solução Provisória

1. Add defaults in original feature class before publishing. 2. Download the web pap locally to the device.3. Add defaults to the feature template in the web map.a. Publish a basic feature service with an integer field (no template/defaults setup).b. Add the new feature service layer to a new web map.c. Click Edit.d. Click Manage.e. Click Properties on the layer.f. Add a default numerical value of 1 to the integer field.g. Click Done.h. Click Save Changes. 4. Manually correct the default value in the rest endpoint.a. Go to the feature service layer's admin rest URL.b. Click Update Definition.c. Set Last Edit date to double quotes "".d. Scroll down and find the template for new features near the bottom.e. Find the integer field with the default value.f. Remove the quotes wrapped around the default numerical value.g. Click Update Layer Definition.

Etapas para Reproduzir

ID do Erro: BUG-000099995


  • Collector Classic for ArcGIS (iOS)

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