Número de ID do Erro | BUG-000143558 |
Enviado | October 8, 2021 |
Última Modificação | October 29, 2024 |
Aplica-se à | ArcGIS Pro |
Versão encontrada | 2.8.3 |
Sistema Operacional | Windows OS |
Versão do Sistema Operacional | 10.0 |
Versão Fixa | 3.1/3.0.4/2.9.5 |
Status | Fixed |
Ensure the 'Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service' Windows service is enabled on the client machine for full compatibility. In some cases, use the geoprocessing tools to allow working with fields if it is not possible to enable the service.
ID do Erro: BUG-000143558
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