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In ArcGIS Open Data, a downloaded shapefile with a dataset that has an empty Shape field in the first record of the table converts a polygon geometry to a line geometry.

Última Publicação: April 19, 2017 ArcGIS Online
Número de ID do Erro BUG-000099720
EnviadoSeptember 30, 2016
Última ModificaçãoMarch 30, 2022
Aplica-se àArcGIS Online
Versão encontrada4.3
Plataforma do servidorN/A

Solução Provisória

Remove the first record of the table that contains the empty geometry from the feature service, or from the source data of the service.

Etapas para Reproduzir

ID do Erro: BUG-000099720


  • ArcGIS Online

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