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Importing data from Local Government Information Model to a PostgreSQL geodatabase returns the error, "XML Import Error: Column already exist"

Última Publicação: April 4, 2015 ArcGIS for Desktop
Número de ID do Erro BUG-000086278
EnviadoMarch 20, 2015
Última ModificaçãoJune 5, 2024
Aplica-se àArcGIS for Desktop
Versão encontrada10.2
StatusKnown Limit

Informações Adicionais

This is a known limitation of working with the Local Government Information Model in PostgreSQL because the US National Grid feature class is based on the FGDC standard. Workaround: Prior to importing the Local Government Information Model into your PostgreSQL geodatabase remove the reserve system (XMIN) field and replace it with a field called XMIN_1. 1. Import Local Government XML workspace to a file geodatabase. 2. Delete the XMIN field from the US National Grid feature class. 3. In the US National feature class create a new field and name it something other than XMIN, for example XMIN_1. 4. Export to a new XML workspace, then import it into PostgreSQL geodatabase.

Solução Provisória

- Import XML to file geodatabase. - Rename XMIN to XMIN _1 for feature class USNationalGrid under feature dataset EmergencyOperations. - Copy and paste, or import data to SDE geodatabase.

Etapas para Reproduzir

ID do Erro: BUG-000086278


  • ArcGIS for Desktop

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