laptop and a wrench


Explorer for ArcGIS (Android) returns the error message, "Unable to Open Map, Invalid response" when opening a mobile map package containing a vector tile package with point features that have labels and unique values symbology.

Última Publicação: April 23, 2019 Explorer for ArcGIS
Número de ID do Erro BUG-000121087
EnviadoMarch 21, 2019
Última ModificaçãoDecember 31, 2021
Aplica-se àExplorer for ArcGIS
Versão encontrada18.1.2
Plataforma do servidorAndroid
StatusIn Review

Solução Provisória

  1. Add the feature class twice.
  2. Configure the first feature class to use a single symbol symbology and labels.
  3. Set the symbology to No Color and no border so it is invisible.
  4. Use the unique values symbology for the second feature class.

Etapas para Reproduzir

ID do Erro: BUG-000121087


  • Explorer for ArcGIS

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