laptop and a wrench


Data provided by the Maritime Solutions Team consistently crashes ArcMap when editing.

Última Publicação: April 4, 2016 ArcGIS for Desktop
Número de ID do Erro BUG-000083638
EnviadoJanuary 28, 2015
Última ModificaçãoJune 5, 2024
Aplica-se àArcGIS for Desktop
Versão encontrada10.2.1
Sistema OperacionalWindows OS
Versão do Sistema Operacional7
Versão Fixa10.4.0

Solução Provisória

There are steps that can be taken to minimize the frequency of crashes:1. Zoom-in to large extent, or whichever extent that bounds only those features which need to be edited.2. Work with only the needed features when setting up the topology to be edited. Working with the entire dataset can slow down caching and rebuild times.3. Close all other unnecessary programs when using Arcmap.4. Save often and stop/start editing every 10 or 15 minutes.

Etapas para Reproduzir

ID do Erro: BUG-000083638


  • ArcGIS for Desktop

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