laptop and a wrench


Changing the 'maxSampleCount' of an image service from a mosaic dataset at the REST endpoint does not affect the number of results returned by the 'Get Samples' operation.

Última Publicação: July 27, 2017 ArcGIS for Server
Número de ID do Erro BUG-000099179
EnviadoSeptember 7, 2016
Última ModificaçãoJuly 28, 2020
Aplica-se àArcGIS for Server
Versão encontrada10.4.1
Version Fixed10.6.0

Solução Provisória

This issue is not encountered when the image service does not come from a mosaic dataset (For example, a single .tif file published as an image service).

Etapas para Reproduzir

ID do Erro: BUG-000099179


  • ArcGIS for Server

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