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ArcGIS Online サービスを同時に消費できるユーザー数には制限がありますか?

Last Published: April 24, 2024


There is no exact amount or limit for simultaneous login access to ArcGIS Online services. The service is kept at a level that ensures any load is managed automatically, and that services are available at 99.9% efficiency. Refer to the ArcGIS Online Service Level Agreement for more information. Regardless of the volume of access requests to ArcGIS Online, at any given time, the platform scales the access demand of the data or maps.

Layers in any map can be optimized to reduce the time it takes to load the map during high-demand activity, such as when hundreds of clients access it at once. For more details on guidelines for optimizing maps for high demand, refer to the following Help page: Best practices for using layers in maps

Additionally, there are certain instances which may cause ArcGIS Online services to perform slowly. These include:
  • Unstable network connections
  • Accessing the same service using the same username in multiple instances (for example, in the browsers and/or machines)
  • Multiple users attempting to edit the same service at the same time
Sometimes, ArcGIS Online may experience performance issues due to service disruptions when servers are experiencing downtime. These issues are only temporary. The status information for ArcGIS Online services can be viewed at ArcGIS Online Health Dashboard.

記事 ID:000014402


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