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The Repair Mosaic Dataset Paths geoprocessing tool fails to change the path if the new path contains a folder begins with a lowercase letter 'n'.

最後に公開された状態: August 19, 2020 ArcGIS for Desktop
不具合 ID 番号 BUG-000090958
送信されましたSeptember 23, 2015
最終更新日June 5, 2024
適用対象ArcGIS for Desktop
オペレーティング システムWindows OS
ステータスWill Not Be Addressed


We apologize that we were unable to address this issue within the current product support cycle.  If the issue continues to affect your work in a supported release, please contact Technical Support.


Possible options:1. Do not begin folder names with a lower case 'n'.2. Instead of using the geoprocessing tool, browse to the mosaic dataset in Catalog, right-click on it, and select Modify > Repair.3. Test installing "ArcGIS 10.3.1 for (Desktop, Server) Raster Type Patch (ArcGIS-1031-DT-RT-Patch)" which has been found to correct the issue.


不具合 ID: BUG-000090958


  • ArcGIS for Desktop


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