laptop and a wrench


The PointGeometry object projectAs method generates inconsistent output between ArcGIS Desktop geoprocessing tool and geoprocessing service when projecting from WKID 4236 to WKID 3857.

最後に公開された状態: February 6, 2018 ArcGIS GIS Server
不具合 ID 番号 BUG-000110015
送信されましたDecember 6, 2017
最終更新日July 28, 2020
適用対象ArcGIS GIS Server
サーバー プラットフォームWindows
クライアント プラットフォーム2012 R2
ステータスKnown Limit


This is the default projection engine behavior of ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS GIS Server, not a geoprocessing service issue. When you use the arcpy function ptGeometry.projectAs(webMercatorSR), there is a second optional parameter transformation_name. This transform name means the datum of a projection. If users provide some value, in addition to re-projecting the outcome coordination (from the first parameter), it also transform the Projection datum (second parameter). On ArcGIS Desktop, when this optional parameter is not given, the default value is none. On ArcGIS GIS Server however, it sets something appropriate for users automatically. This is because the design on ArcGIS GIS Server comes later then ArcGIS Desktop. Also there is no configuration option, such as the Transformation parameter in the Environment GUI of ArcMap, on the server. So projection on the server does that for users instead asking the user to provide it.


If users want a consistent result between ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS GIS server, replace the above-mentioned line of code with ptGeometry.projectAs(webMercatorSR, "Hu_Tzu_Shan_To_WGS_1984").


不具合 ID: BUG-000110015


  • ArcGIS GIS Server

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