laptop and a wrench


The Feature to Point tool with the Inside option checked fails on certain narrow polygons having a curve as one side.

最後に公開された状態: November 12, 2014 ArcGIS for Desktop
不具合 ID 番号 BUG-000082683
送信されましたOctober 18, 2014
最終更新日June 5, 2024
適用対象ArcGIS for Desktop
オペレーティング システムWindows OS
オペレーティング システムのバージョン7
ステータスWill Not Be Addressed


We apologize that we were unable to address this issue within the current product support cycle. If the issue continues to affect your work in a supported release, please contact Technical Support.


Convert the arc to a series of line segments. One way is to convert the polygon to lines, split lines at vertices, and use the editor Split tool to insert vertices along the arc. Merge lines, convert lines back to polygon, replace the original polygon, and update the attributes.


不具合 ID: BUG-000082683


  • ArcGIS for Desktop


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