The Buffer command of ArcGIS for Desktop 10.3, 10.2.2, and 10.1 results in different outputs when compared with the result in ArcGIS Desktop 10.0, which gives expected results.
最後に公開された状態: December 14, 2016ArcGIS for Desktop
不具合 ID 番号
February 23, 2015
June 5, 2024
ArcGIS for Desktop
オペレーティング システム
Windows OS
オペレーティング システムのバージョン
Known Limit
開発チームによる確認後に、この問題が、Esri の管理の範囲外にあるソフトウェアの既知の制限に関するものであると判断されました。 問題の「参考情報」セクションに、さらに詳細な説明が示されていることがあります。
We spent a fair number of cycles on this over the past year and have determined we will be unable to ''fix'' this once and for all.
1. There never was a spec for this behaviour.
2. At 10.0 2km just happened to be a sweet spot for what you may think the output should be at 10.0 for this case. As you increase the distance, the output begins to look more like abstract art.
3. it appeares there would have to to many solutions dependant on the relationship between the length of the line and the buffer distance (also depending on what we actually determined as a spec).
This is a fairly ''complicated'' case that may need a custom solution.
Simple cases appear to work as expected.