laptop and a wrench


In ArcGIS Open Data, searching the partial string 'tab' returns result datasets with the full string 'table' included in the dataset metadata.

最後に公開された状態: October 27, 2016 ArcGIS Online
不具合 ID 番号 BUG-000099428
送信されましたSeptember 19, 2016
最終更新日October 21, 2020
適用対象ArcGIS Online
サーバー プラットフォームN/A
ステータスKnown Limit


The search implemented in Open Data does fuzzy searches (allowing one non-initial character to be different, so for example, searching for "abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyy" will get a match for a dataset that has "abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz" in the metadata) and stemming (so, for example, searching for "stop" will get matches for datasets with "stopped" in the metadata and searching for "helpings" will get matches for datasets with "help" in the metadata"). The fact that the search does stemming explains why a partial match appears to be being done, resulting in a search for "tab" getting matches for datasets with "table" in the metadata. Other partial matches do not happen; for example, searching for "def" does not return a dataset that has the string "abcdefghi" in the metadata.


不具合 ID: BUG-000099428


  • ArcGIS Online

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