In ArcCatalog, clicking the Edit option in the Item Description window of a feature class that has metadata written using a custom metadata editor eliminates the white space paragraph formatting.
最後に公開された状態: December 31, 2015ArcGIS for Desktop
不具合 ID 番号
December 9, 2015
June 5, 2024
ArcGIS for Desktop
オペレーティング システム
Windows OS
オペレーティング システムのバージョン
Known Limit
開発チームによる確認後に、この問題が、Esri の管理の範囲外にあるソフトウェアの既知の制限に関するものであると判断されました。 問題の「参考情報」セクションに、さらに詳細な説明が示されていることがあります。
The custom editor provides a value in the abstract or description element as plain text. In ArcGIS metadata, this is a marked-up text element for compatibility with ArcGIS Online. In all cases, when transferring plain text to the marked-up text control used by the ArcGIS metadata editor, formatting provided in plain text such as carriage returns is not kept. This is also a problem when upgrading FGDC CSDGM-format metadata, for example.
When users copy the original text to Microsoft Word, it actually adds formatting to the original plain text that users cannot see, which is maintained when the text is copied from Microsoft Word to the marked-up text control used by the ArcGIS metadata editor.
1. Copy the information to Microsoft Word before clicking Edit in the Item Description window.
2. Make the required edits on the metadata.
3. Copy the information from Microsoft Word, and paste the information back to the item details.