laptop and a wrench


Collector Classic for ArcGIS (Android) 10.3.3 crashes when clicking to add a new related record through offline editing when the service definition is modified to reorder a large number of feature types.

最後に公開された状態: July 26, 2021 Collector Classic for ArcGIS (Android)
不具合 ID 番号 BUG-000091515
送信されましたOctober 19, 2015
最終更新日July 26, 2021
適用対象Collector Classic for ArcGIS (Android)
サーバー プラットフォームAndroid
クライアント プラットフォームN/A
ステータスWill Not Be Addressed


Collector for ArcGIS (Classic) has been retired and is no longer being updated.


  • Do not modify the order of the feature types.
  • Do not work offline with the hosted feature layer.
  • Only work with Collector Classic for ArcGIS (iOS) which works fine with the exact same hosted feature layer and web map thus demonstrating how the feature types are configured correctly.


不具合 ID: BUG-000091515


  • Collector Classic for ArcGIS (Android)

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