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ArcGIS Maps for Microsoft SharePoint 4.0 returns an error message, "App is not configured."

最後に公開された状態: July 2, 2021 ArcGIS for SharePoint
不具合 ID 番号 BUG-000089671
送信されましたAugust 5, 2015
最終更新日June 5, 2024
適用対象ArcGIS for SharePoint
オペレーティング システムN/A
オペレーティング システムのバージョンN/A
ステータスWill Not Be Addressed


Please contact Technical Support if this problem occurs in a supported release.


  1. If signed into another domain account different from system account (recommended):
  2. Remove any pre-existing target applications from secure store.
    1. Navigate to Central Administration > Application Management > Manage service Applications > click on Secure Store Service.
  3. Navigate to App Configuration of ArcGIS Maps for SharePoint and set the workflow credentials.
  4. Add map to page and verify the error returned is, "App Is not configured. "
  5. Navigate to Secure Store Service, add the account under the web application the pools runs (by default SYSTEM ACCOUNT) to the list of members for the Esri Maps App Login target application.
  6. To find out who is the web application pool account, navigate to Central Administration >Security >Configure service accounts.
  7. Observe who is the user selected for the web application currently being configured.
  8. Notice the port of the web application. E.g. for port 80 of Sharepoint, it is Web Application Pool – SharePoint – 80.
  9. Navigate to map page and verify the page loads as expected.
  10. Verify the workflow configuration loads as expected.


不具合 ID: BUG-000089671


  • ArcGIS for SharePoint


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