le fichier de configuration local ArcGIS Data Store est corrompu lorsque l’espace disque est insuffisant

Last Published: April 24, 2024


If the drive on which ArcGIS Data Store is installed runs out of disk space, a local data store configuration file can be corrupted. Consequently, backups for the relational data store may fail.

Evaluating the following symptoms can indicate that a corruption has occurred:

  • The output of running the Describedatastore command shows a missing owning system URL.
    Owning system URL.........""   
  • The Listadminusers command shows the Database Repl User as "repuser" instead of "dsrepuser", and the "sde" user shows the password to be "sde".
    Admin users for relational data store ds_abcd1234
    Database Admin User.... adm_32ret / tT30!bYk22jF
    Database Repl User..... repuser / repuser
    GDB Admin User......... sde / sde   
  • The Listmanageduser command does not return any users.
    Managed user for relational data store ds_abcd1234
    UserName     Password       Database   
  • Data store backups fail with the following error.
    Error encountered: Failed to generate a token for the user.   


This issue is associated with a known bug, BUG-000105166, which has been resolved with ArcGIS Data Store 10.5.1.

Solution de contournement

The above symptoms occur primarily with ArcGIS Data Store 10.4.1; however, this may also occur with version 10.5 if the data store was upgraded from 10.4.1 while in the corrupted state.​

If this issue is encountered, backups fail, and commands return the results described above, do not attempt to register the relational data store. Please contact Esri Technical Support (for customers in the United States) or your Esri distributor (for customers outside the United States) to resolve this issue.

ID d’article:000016223

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