sélectionner plusieurs valeurs avec l’outil Select By Attributes (Sélectionner selon les attributs)

Last Published: April 19, 2024


When using the Select by Attributes tool, query operators such as IN, LIKE, OR, and NOT can be used to determine the type of selection for multiple values. Refer to ArcMap: SQL reference for query expressions used in ArcGIS for more information on the query operators types.


The following workflow uses the IN query operator to select multiple values. This workflow is also applicable to the other query operators; LIKE, OR, and NOT.

  1. In ArcMap, open the attribute table of the layer.
  2. Click the Table Options button The Table Options button > Select By Attributes.
  3. Double-click the field containing the desired values.
  4. Add a space after the field name and type IN.
  5. Select the parentheses icon.
The Select by Attributes window displays the highlighted parenthese.
  1. In the parentheses, select or type the values. Separate each value with a comma.
If it is a text field, apply single quotes around each value.
The Select by Attributes window displaying the <field name> IN (<field value>, <field value>) expression.

The following is a sample query:

<field name> IN (<field value>, <field value>)
  1. Click Apply.
This method can also be used to select numeric and string values.

ID d’article: 000009011

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