activer la mise à jour d’un champ verrouillé dans ArcGIS Online Map Viewer

Last Published: July 27, 2023


In some instances, table fields are locked and cannot be edited in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer, as shown in the image below. The 'City_in_Ca' table field is locked.

Image showing ArcGIS Online Map Viewer with a locked field

This article provides instructions to grant permission to edit through the Settings tab and the Configure Pop-up window of the hosted feature layer in Map Viewer. Editing capabilities include altering or updating data and fixing spelling errors.

Only owners or administrators can make changes to editing permissions. For more information on user types and roles in ArcGIS Online, refer to ArcGIS Online: User types, roles, and privileges.


  1. In ArcGIS Online, navigate to the My Content tab. Click the ellipsis icon Image of ellipsis icon of the hosted feature layer, and click Open in Map Viewer.
Image of the hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Online
  1. Open the attribute table of the hosted feature layer. In this example, the field City_in_Ca is locked; Sacramento is spelled incorrectly and cannot be edited.
Image showing the City_in_Ca is not editable.
  1. Navigate to the My Content tab, and click the hosted feature layer to open the item details page.
Image showing the My Content tab.
  1. Click the Settings tab.
Image showing the Settings tab.
  1. Scroll to the Feature Layer (hosted) section. Under Editing, check the Enable editing check box. For What kind of editing is allowed?, select the Add, update, and delete features option. Click Save.
To limit permissions to only adding new data but not editing existing data through the web map, select the Add features option for What kind of editing is allowed?
Image showing Enable editing is checked.
  1. Open the hosted feature layer in Map Viewer. Click the ellipsis icon of the layer, and click Configure Pop-up.
Image showing the Configure pop-up window.
  1. Click Configure Attributes.
Image showing the Configure attributes window.
  1. In the Configure Attributes window, check the Edit check box of the desired field. In this example, it is the {City_in_Ca} field. Click OK.
Image showing the Edit check box of the City_in_Ca field.
  1. Click OK in the Configure Pop-up pane.
Image showing the Configure Pop-up pane.
  1. Open the attribute table and edit the data. The following image shows the lock symbol is removed from the City_in_Ca field. Correct the spelling error for Sacramento, and press Enter.
Image showing the City_in_Ca field is not locked.
  1. Press Enter to save the changes to the layer, and click Save to save the map.
Image showing the field is not locked and the map is saved.

ID d’article:000018451

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