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Où le fichier de raccourci clavier personnalisé ArcGIS Pro est-il stocké sur une machine Windows ?

Last Published: May 30, 2024


ArcGIS Pro version 3.2 provides the functionality to create a custom keyboard shortcut. Creating custom keyboard shortcuts simplifies user interface commands by combining keystrokes on a keyboard. For more information on ArcGIS Pro keyboard shortcut utilization, refer to ArcGIS Pro: Use keyboard shortcuts.

On a Windows machine, the ArcGIS Pro custom keyboard shortcut is saved in a .daml file in the AppData local folder. Data, user profiles, and app settings unique to a single Windows machine are stored in the AppData local folder, which is hidden by default. A custom keyboard shortcut is stored in the .daml file in the AppData local folder, as it is an app setting particular to a single ArcGIS Pro user on one Windows system.

In certain circumstances, it may be necessary to copy the custom keyboard shortcuts to other machines. To do this, export the custom keyboard shortcuts. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Export and import customizations for instructions.

ID d’article:000031820

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